Ahmad Brothers is a specialised POS Solution provider in all major cities of Pakistan. Our Solution is Industry Based Solution for Small to Large size retail outlet, single store or chain stores. It helps mangers to design, planning, execution, control and monitoring of sales activity.

Provide tight integration with other modules to share valuable information, including forecasts, orders, inventory, transportation and receiveable etc. Account Plus POS software is most modern, smart and efficient POS system, which is capable to handle most stores’ needs. It is ideal to manage the entire operations for any retail outlet in a proper manner.

Provide provision to gain more profit to control your expenses and increase your sales. Our designed POS system capable to handle your entire outlet transactions, speedier and smoother. As all of us know that the retail sector is a back bone of any economy and plays most important and crucial role for economy.

The major problem of any retail sector is a lot of transactions and these transactions are increasing day by day, to control and manage those transactions need man power and we know this is very expensive. And we don’t achieve desire result after paying lot of money. What we need to know that only an efficient software like Account Plus Point of Sales System can tackle this challenge effectively and accurately.

Web Based Online POS Point Of Sales Management System
Specially designed for Super Store, Super Market, Garment, Medical, Cosmetics, Bakery, Production, Optician, Restaurant, Fast Food, Auto Mobile Parts, Ware House Management, Educational Solution, Stationary, Computer Store, Shoes and Bag, Paper Distribution Production, business expert.

Easy to use POS Software
We offer a powerfull and easy to use POS (Point of Slaes) / Retail Management System in all major cities in Pakistan ie. Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad and out of Pakistan also. Our POS system meets all the requiremthe of a modern and high tech sales outlet.

Key Features
Cash/Credit/Credit Card Sale option
Manage/Un-Manage Inventory
Daily Revenue Analysis
Last Year v/s Current Year Revenue Analysis
Top to Bottom Sales and Ratio
Resturant Management
Departmental Store Management
User Level Privilege

Key Features
Multiple Outlet Support
Price Management
Expense Management / Petty Cash
Stock Taking
Monthly Revenue Analysis
Sales Growth Analysis
Retail Management
Pharmacy Management
Grocery StoreManagement

Key Features
Invoice Hold/Un-Hold
Day end closing
Stock Adjustment
Yearly Revenue Analysis
Last Year vs Current Year Sales Performance
Wholesale Management
Medical Management
Garments Outlet, Cosmetics & General Store Management
Item Management